Congratulations Drew and thank you for Always Playing IV Each Other!
Watch Drew’s inspiring story of leadership on CBS Atlanta with special guest presenter, Edwin Moses.

Excerpt from the APIVEO Player of the Month award ceremony;
Today we celebrate Drew Smith because he Always Plays IV Each Other. Drew is a gifted track athlete. While I never saw him run personally, I have seen a couple of pretty impressive pictures of him hurdling as well as standing on the top level of podium with a medal hanging around his neck . But that’s not why he’s standing up here today. At the age of 11, Drew is already a true leader. Rather than standing around waiting for track practice to start he organized a pre-practice for his entire team. That’s leadership. On Fridays he helps the staff here at the Ron Clark Academy teach teachers how to teach him. That’s leadership. He volunteers his time in the community and even ran up his mom’s pizza bill by making a hefty donation to St Jude Children’s Hospital!
Now to present the APIVEO Player of the Month award for August 2014, I would like to introduce a great leader and athlete. A man that is dedicated to improving the world we live in by leveraging his unique talents and gifts to enrich the lives of others. For the past 15 years he has served as the Chairman of The Laureus Sport For Good Foundation. Along the way he ran a few races on the track as well. His career includes 2 Olympic gold medals, a world record that he personally broke 4 times along with a streak of 122 consecutive wins. It is my great pleasure to introduce Dr. Edwin Moses! -Brad Jubin, APIVEO